It’s a tampon box that is automated, each time you take a tampon out from the box, information goes to your phone, where you have downloaded



You can set your own reminder. If you do not confirm you changed/removed the tampon in use and you ignore your reminder and then also the CRITICAL REMINDER, URGENT MESSAGE goes to your EMERGENCY CONTACTS.



  • to remove/change tampon on time (you get your reminder and critical reminder);
  • to avoid situation of inserting a new tampon before removing the previous one;
  • not to forget the tampon is inserted (especially when the end of a period is reached or if you will have sexual intercourse)
  • to have signs of Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) always at hand
  • to be educated about sanitary products, TSS, menstruation, pain relievers,  etc.

TAMPON TRACK APP can also be used without the box, but in that case you need to set reminders manually. You can also use it for other reminders – for pad, menstrual cup, visit to gynecologist, pain relief, contraception pill reminder and other custom reminders.

TAMPON TRACK follows scientific studies to inform you in the best way possible and to offer you the best products to ease your life.

267 M = tampon users N America + Europe

41%USE TAMPON OVER 6 h during the day
10%FORGET TO REMOVE A TAMPON before inserting a new one

Numbers are valid for France – source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7201028/

Who should use


TAMPON TRACK – a box in connection with APP is intended for all women using tampons. APP can also be used for pads and menstrual cups, but in that case reminders are set manually.


It’s here to help you to track your tampon usage since we all know that it is an automated task like driving a car – you come from one destination to another and you can’t tell at how many traffic lights you stopped. When dealing with a lot of everyday tasks you can easily forget you need to change/remove the tampon; at the end of your period, you can even forget that your tampon is still inserted; you do not really know what the signs of toxic shock syndrome are…



The idea for TAMPON TRACK is based on personal experience of one of its founders, who was having hard time tracking tampon usage. The stories of other women confirm how increasingly important the control over tampon usage is.


Both founders are innovators and entrepreneurs, and each of them has significantly contributed to the TAMPON TRACK development.


Find your question here or ask us


TAMPON TRACK is patented solution, an automated box with tampons connected to the APP that helps you:

  • to remove/change tampon on time (you get your reminder and critical alarm);
  • to avoid situation of inserting a new tampon before removing the previous one;
  • not to forget the tampon is inserted when the end of a period is reached or
  • not to have sexual intercourse while a tampon is still in.

TAMPON TRACK APP can also be used without the box, but in this case, you need to set reminders manually.

You can also use it for other reminders – for pad, menstrual cup, visit to gynecologist, pain relief, contraception pill reminder and other custom reminders.


TAMPON TRACK follows scientific studies to inform you in the best way possible and to offer you the best products to ease your life.

What if I lose my phone and tampon box?

If you lose your phone and tampon box you can log into the TAMPON TRACK APP through another phone or computer. Another possibility is that you make a contact with one of your emergency contacts that can DELETE YOUR REMINDERS after she/he’ll get the URGENT SMS.

What information will be provided to EMERGENCY CONTACTS?

In case you DON’T ERASE your CRITICAL TAMPON REMINDER, the following SMS message will be sent to your emergency contacts:




“Urgent! (Name, surname) missed CRITICAL ALARM for the tampon usage. It could be a life-threatening situation or just a lost phone. HELP !

How should I set my tampon reminder?

You can set your tampon reminder freely up to  5 h 30 minutes from the tampon insertion (insertion time is the time you take tampon from the tampon track box or since you set it if you do not have tampon track box).


Ideally tampon should be removed after 4 hours. After 5.30 hours from insertion you’ll get critical alarm reminder and if you ignore it, after 30 minutes urgent SMS message will be sent to your emergency contacts.

Why TAMPON TRACK critical alarm activate already after 6 hours?

Yes, it is true, you can find producers instructions with written statement that using tampon up to 8 hours is ok, but we follow a study from France, published on 10.03.2020 (team lead prof.  Lina Gerard) that suggests that the risk of toxic shock syndrome was associated with using tampons for more than 6 h, overnight tampon use during sleep and failure to read nor followed tampon insertion instructions in case of reading.


You’ll get CRITICAL REMINDER after 5.30h and if IGNORED, after 6h URGENT MESSAGE goes to your emergency contacts.

Revolution in tracking tampon usage

automated solution that tracks your tampon usage


revolution in tampons usage